Saturday, May 29, 2010

Prenatal Advice

If this is your first pregnancy, I would advise you to take it easier than your doctor might advise. There is no reason to be alarmed, but you also don’t know if you might be someone that is predisposed to preterm labor or has an incompetent cervix. Eat as healthy as possible and be careful to not lift too much or exert yourself. Call on your spouse or family to help out as much as possible. We women often have trouble asking for help. You have to realize that your loved ones want nothing more than for you and your baby to be healthy.

Once you are almost into your 3rd trimester, pack your hospital bag. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. If you will be breastfeeding, you may want to buy a hands free pumping accessory so that if you start off with the pump instead of the baby, you’ll be prepared. Hands free makes those first days of pumping so much better.

Around the same time, have your baby names picked out if at all possible.

If you and your husband know that you are fine with this baby being the last one, you may want to talk about possible scenarios such as hysterectomy. In my case, if I had been awake to make the decision, I would have had a hysterectomy. It is very risky for me to carry another baby, although I’m physically able to get pregnant. My husband and I hadn’t discussed it, so he had the doctor do his best to repair my uterus.

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