Friday, May 21, 2010

More Random Advice

1. Ask LOTS of questions of the doctors - write down questions if needed.

2. Keep track of things - weight, milestones, etc. Read baby's chart.

3. Take pictures every day.

4. Doll clothes fit preemies well - Toys R Us has lots. We started to dress Norah once her PIC (IV) line was out (about 5 weeks old).

5. has lots of back issues and has lots of info.

6. - clothes site

7. - clothes site

8. - this would be nice for baby - you can put the mom/dad scent on it and leave it in his crib.

9. Babywise is a GREAT book - we used this method for our babies (eat / play / sleep method to get baby's metabolism stabilized to sleep through the night)

10. Ask for all the NICU items for a scrapbook - heart monitor, blood pressure thingy, little diaper, pacifiers, etc.

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